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The key dates for this year’s recruitment process are:


Fiche d’inscription available on the collège ENT or on our website. You can also find a sample test.
Deadline to hand in the fiche d’inscription in person or by mail: 07/02/25
Writing and speaking entry assessments: 19/03/25
Test results: early May



Fiche d’inscription available on the lycée ENT or on our website. You can also find a sample test.
Deadline to hand in the fiche d’inscription via mail or in person: 
Written tests on 12/03/25
Oral tests on 26/03/25
Test Results: early May


All applications should be received by 07/02/25

Check out our updated fees for 2025/26.


Mailing address 

Collège & Lycée Victor Hugo

33 Bd V. Hugo - BP 317 

31770 COLOMIERS Cedex